Commentary Guide
Call Number Regions
Major Commentaries on Numbers
- The Book of Numbers (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) by Timothy R. Ashley The book of Numbers tells a story that has two main characters -- God and Israel. The way the story is told sounds odd and often harsh to readers today. In spite of the difficulties imposed by Numbers on today's readers, the main point of the book is of immense importance for God's people in any age: exact obedience to God is crucial. This comprehensive and erudite commentary -- resulting from nearly a decade of study of Numbers by Timothy Ashley -- presents a thorough explication of this significant Hebrew text. Ashley's introduction to Numbers discusses such questions as structure, authorship, and theological themes, and it features an extended bibliography of major works on the book of Numbers, concentrating mainly on works in English, French, and German. Dividing the text of Numbers into five major sections, Ashley's commentary elucidates the theological themes of obedience and disobedience that run throughout the book's narrative. His detailed verse-by-verse comments are intended primarily to explain the Hebrew text of Numbers as we have it rather than to speculate on how the book came to be in its present form.Call Number: BS1265.3 .A845 1993ISBN: 9780802825230Publication Date: 1993
- Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses Arranged in the Form of a Harmony (Calvin’s Commentaries) by John CalvinCall Number: BS491 .C2813 1981ISBN: 0801024404Publication Date: 1974
- Numbers (New American Commentary) by Dennis R. Cole THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features include:* commentary based on THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION;* the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary;* sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable research in the original languages;* interpretation that emphasizes the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole;* readable and applicable exposition.Call Number: BS1265.3 .C44 2000ISBN: 0805495037Publication Date: 2000
- Numbers (Preaching the Word) by Iain M. Duguid Iain Duguid aids both pastors and laypeople by explaining the profundities of the biblical text of Numbers and communicating the lasting message of God's devotion to those who follow him in faith.Call Number: BS1265.3 .D84 2006ISBN: 9781581343632Publication Date: 2006
- Numbers (Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary) by R. K. HarrisonCall Number: BS1265.3 .H37 1990ISBN: 9780802492616Publication Date: 1989
- Numbers 1 to 20 (Anchor Bible) by Baruch Levine Baruch A. Levine has written a masterful study of the first half of the Book of Numbers for the Anchor Bible Commentaries. The Book of Numbers--from the numbering or census of the people in the opening chapters--is a much-neglected part of the Torah, the five books of Moses, which constitutes the heart of Holy Scriptures for Jews, while also forming an integral part of the Bible for Christians. The Book of Numbers is an account of the young would-be nation of Israel's wanderings in the Wilderness after the magnificent event at Sinai, where Moses speaks with God face-to-face and receives the Ten Commandments. Throughout this time of trial, the people complain, sensing the contrast between the relative security of slavery in Egypt, from which they have fled, and the precarious insecurity of freedom in the Wilderness. Numbers is a book filled with power struggles, raising questions about who speaks for God, along with personal and communal crises of faith and rumors of revolt. Yet despite the people's blindness and rebelliousness, God remains faithful to the promises made to Israel's ancestors--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and now Moses--and remains at Israel's side, guiding her slowly but surely to the Promised Land. In all, Numbers describes a terrific journey of discipline and dependence upon the God who liberated the Hebrews from bondage in Egypt: a journey to strengthen Israel for the challenge of a new and wondrous land and the battles she wifl have to fight in order to claim and keep it. Despite the importance of The Book of Numbers, its rich collection of stories is not easily assimilated, even by the most conscientious of readers. As such, it requires the help of an expert guide to thread one's way through this mixture of interesting episodes and anecdotes on the one hand, and the many lists, prescriptive rules, ritual regulations, and repeated admonitions on the other. Professor Levine shows us the way into this difficult and sometimes forbidding book of the Bible, and we can be confident of our guide, and secure in the knowledge that the one who led us into the thicket will lead us out again into a broad and fair land.Call Number: BS1265.3 .L484 1993ISBN: 0385156510Publication Date: 1993
- Numbers 21-36 (Anchor Bible) by Baruch A. Levine Numbers 21-36 is the concluding part of Baruch Levine's two volume translation and study of the biblical book of Numbers.Call Number: BS1265.3 .L485 2000ISBN: 0385412568Publication Date: 2000
- Numbers (The JPS Torah Commentary) by Jacob Milgrom The JPS Torah Commentary series guides readers through the words and ideas of the Torah. Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his field. Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources. Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.Call Number: BS1265.3 .M55 1990ISBN: 0827603290Publication Date: 2003
- Numbers (Interpretation) by Dennis T. Olson Numbers chronicles a community faced with many competing interests, groups, and issues, endeavoring to define itself and its mission in the world. Dennis Olsen offers readers a comprehensive interpretation of this often overlooked book. He provides a thoroughly contemporary reading of Numbers that enlightens the modern church as it navigates the contemporary wilderness of pluralism, competing voices, and and shifting foundations. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.Call Number: BS1265.3 .O57 1996ISBN: 0804231044Publication Date: 1996
- Journeying with God (International Theological Commentary) by Katharine D. SakenfeldCall Number: BS1265.3 .S25 1995ISBN: 0802841260Publication Date: 1995
- Numbers (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by Gordon J. Wenham "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" is one of the best-known hymns in the world. Yet the book of Numbers, whose story that hymn summarizes, is seldom read. Why?"Its very title puts the modern reader off," writes Gordon Wenham. "In ancient time numbers were seen as mysterious and symbolic, a key to reality and the mind of God himself. Today they are associated with computers and the depersonalization that threatens our society."In his effort to bridge the great gulf between the book and our age, Wenham first explains the background of Numbers, discussing its structure, sources, date and authorship as well as its theology and Christian use. A passage-by-passage analysis follows, which draws useful insights on Old Testament ritual from modern social anthropology.Call Number: BS1265.3 .W46 1981ISBN: 087784254XPublication Date: 1981
- The Book of Numbers (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) by Timothy R. Ashley The book of Numbers tells a story that has two main characters -- God and Israel. The way the story is told sounds odd and often harsh to readers today. In spite of the difficulties imposed by Numbers on today's readers, the main point of the book is of immense importance for God's people in any age: exact obedience to God is crucial. This comprehensive and erudite commentary -- resulting from nearly a decade of study of Numbers by Timothy Ashley -- presents a thorough explication of this significant Hebrew text. Ashley's introduction to Numbers discusses such questions as structure, authorship, and theological themes, and it features an extended bibliography of major works on the book of Numbers, concentrating mainly on works in English, French, and German. Dividing the text of Numbers into five major sections, Ashley's commentary elucidates the theological themes of obedience and disobedience that run throughout the book's narrative. His detailed verse-by-verse comments are intended primarily to explain the Hebrew text of Numbers as we have it rather than to speculate on how the book came to be in its present form.ISBN: 9780802825230Publication Date: 1993
- Numbers 1 to 20 (Anchor Bible) by Baruch Levine Baruch A. Levine has written a masterful study of the first half of the Book of Numbers for the Anchor Bible Commentaries. The Book of Numbers--from the numbering or census of the people in the opening chapters--is a much-neglected part of the Torah, the five books of Moses, which constitutes the heart of Holy Scriptures for Jews, while also forming an integral part of the Bible for Christians. The Book of Numbers is an account of the young would-be nation of Israel's wanderings in the Wilderness after the magnificent event at Sinai, where Moses speaks with God face-to-face and receives the Ten Commandments. Throughout this time of trial, the people complain, sensing the contrast between the relative security of slavery in Egypt, from which they have fled, and the precarious insecurity of freedom in the Wilderness. Numbers is a book filled with power struggles, raising questions about who speaks for God, along with personal and communal crises of faith and rumors of revolt. Yet despite the people's blindness and rebelliousness, God remains faithful to the promises made to Israel's ancestors--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and now Moses--and remains at Israel's side, guiding her slowly but surely to the Promised Land. In all, Numbers describes a terrific journey of discipline and dependence upon the God who liberated the Hebrews from bondage in Egypt: a journey to strengthen Israel for the challenge of a new and wondrous land and the battles she wifl have to fight in order to claim and keep it. Despite the importance of The Book of Numbers, its rich collection of stories is not easily assimilated, even by the most conscientious of readers. As such, it requires the help of an expert guide to thread one's way through this mixture of interesting episodes and anecdotes on the one hand, and the many lists, prescriptive rules, ritual regulations, and repeated admonitions on the other. Professor Levine shows us the way into this difficult and sometimes forbidding book of the Bible, and we can be confident of our guide, and secure in the knowledge that the one who led us into the thicket will lead us out again into a broad and fair land.ISBN: 0385156510Publication Date: 1993
- Numbers 21-36 (Anchor Bible) by Baruch A. Levine Numbers 21-36 is the concluding part of Baruch Levine's two volume translation and study of the biblical book of Numbers.ISBN: 0385412568Publication Date: 2000
- Numbers (Preaching the Word) by Iain M. Duguid This commentary on Numbers explores the story of Israel's exodus from Egypt, wandering in the wilderness, and entrance into the Promised Land. Now redesigned with a new cover, this is part of the popular Preaching the Wordseries.ISBN: 9781433535482Publication Date: 2012
- Numbers (Interpretation) by Dennis T. Olson Numbers chronicles a community faced with many competing interests, groups, and issues, endeavoring to define itself and its mission in the world. Dennis Olsen offers readers a comprehensive interpretation of this often overlooked book. He provides a thoroughly contemporary reading of Numbers that enlightens the modern church as it navigates the contemporary wilderness of pluralism, competing voices, and and shifting foundations.ISBN: 9780664238827Publication Date: 2012
- Numbers (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by Gordon J. Wenham "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" is one of the best-known hymns in the world. Yet the book of numbers, whose story that hymn summarizes, is seldom read. Why?"Its very title puts the modern reader off," writes Gordon Wenham. "In ancient time numbers were seen as mysterious and symbolic, a key to reality and the mind of God himself. Today they are associated with computers and the depersonalization that threatens our society."In his effort to bridge the great gulf between the book and our age, Wenham first explains the background of Numbers, discussing its structure, sources, date and authorship as well as its theology and Christian use. A passage-by-passage analysis follows, which draws useful insights on Old Testament ritual from modern social anthropology.The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series..ISBN: 9780830842049Publication Date: 2008
- Numbers Commentaries in the E-Book CatalogDiscover many more e-book commentaries on Numbers.
- Ashley, Timothy R. The Book of Numbers. New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI Eerdmans, 1993.
- Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses Arranged in the Form of a Harmony. Translated by Charles William Bingham. 4 vols. Calvin’s Commentaries. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1950.
- Cole, R. Dennis. Numbers. New American Commentary. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2000.
- Duguid, Iain M. Numbers: God's Presence in the Wilderness. Preaching the Word. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2006.
- Harrison, R. K. Numbers. Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1990.
- Levine, Baruch. Numbers 1–20: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Anchor Bible. New York: Doubleday, 1993.
———. Numbers 21–36: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Anchor Bible. New York: Doubleday, 2000.
- Milgrom, Jacob. Numbers: The Traditional Hebrew Text with the New JPS Translation. JPS Torah commentary. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1990.
- Olson, Dennis T. Numbers. Interpretation. Louisville: John Knox Press, 1996.
- Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob. Journeying with God: A Commentary on the Book of Numbers. International Theological Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995.
- Wenham, Gordon J. Numbers: An Introduction and Commentary. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1981.
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