Basic Book Form
see Turabian §17.1 (pp. 171 ff.)
note | 1 John A. Doe, Title of Book (Location: Publisher, year), pages. |
bibliography | Doe, John A. Title of Book. Location: Publisher, year. |
If the place of publication is unknown, use the abbreviation “n.p.” (“no place”) in the footnote, and “N.p.” in the bibliography (e.g., n.p.: WW Press, 2003). If you can make an educated guess regarding the place of publication, include your guess in brackets with a question mark (e.g., [St. Louis, MO?]: Covenant Theological Seminary, 2005). If no place is given because the book was self-published, note that (e.g., Self-published, CreateSpace, 2017).
If the year of publication is not given, use the abbreviation “n.d.” (e.g., St. Louis, MO: Covenant Theological Seminary, n.d.). If you may know the date of publication based on some other source of information, include that year in brackets with a question mark (e.g., St. Louis, MO: Covenant Theological Seminary, [2013?]).