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Turabian Citation Guide

This citation guide is based on Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (9th ed.) and should be used for most papers at Covenant Theological Seminary.

Basic Article Form

see Turabian §17.2 (pp. 187 ff.)

note 1 John A. Doe, “Title of Article,” Title of Journal enumeration (date): pages. URL.
bibliography Doe, John A. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal enumeration (date): pages. URL.


The volume number immediately follows the periodical title without any intervening punctuation (e.g., Ex Auditu 21). If an issue number is also given, it is added after the volume number and preceded by a comma and the abbreviation “no.” (e.g., Faith and Philosophy 25, no. 3). However, if the periodical uses only issue numbers, and not volume numbers, then the issue number is placed after the periodical title, but is preceded by a comma and the abbreviation “no.” (e.g., Image, no. 58). In all cases use arabic numerals even if the periodical uses roman numerals.


Follow the format used by the periodical—this could be a season (e.g., Spring 2007), a month (e.g., March 2007), or a specific day (e.g., March 15, 2007).

Journal Article

see Turabian Figure 16.1, no. 6 (p. 153); §17.2.1–5 (pp. 188–190)

note 1 David Clyde Jones, “The Westminster Confession on Divorce and Remarriage,” Presbyterion 16, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 32.
bibliography Jones, David Clyde. “The Westminster Confession on Divorce and Remarriage.” Presbyterion 16, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 17-40.

Note that for journal ariticles a colon is used before the page numbers.

E-Journal Article

see Turabian §–4 (pp. 145); Figure 16.1, no. 7 (p. 153)

Follow the form for an article in print, and then add the URL. If the e-journal website provides a preferred or “permanent” URL for the article, use that rather than what is displayed in your browser’s address bar. If the article has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), then you can create a permanent URL by appending the DOI to “”.

note 1 Leslie Veen, “Jethro and Moses: A Biblical Model for Supervision from Exodus 18,” Refelective Practice 38 (2018): 223,
2 Chris Baker, “Current Themes and Challenges in Urban Theology,” The Expository Times 125, no. 1 (October 2013): 5,
3 Roy Oksnevad, “The Religious Pluralization of America: Implications for Preaching, Teaching, Writing, and Reading,” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 52, no. 4 (2016),
bibliography Veen, Leslie. “Jethro and Moses: A Biblical Model for Supervision from Exodus 18.” Refelective Practice 38 (2018): 220–228.
Baker, Chris. “Current Themes and Challenges in Urban Theology.” The Expository Times 125, no. 1 (October 2013): 3–12.
Oksnevad, Roy. “The Religious Pluralization of America: Implications for Preaching, Teaching, Writing, and Reading.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 52, no. 4 (2016).

If you accessed the article in a library database, rather than a public website, use the name of the database in place of the URL.

note 4 James A. De Jong, “The Heart and Soul of Abraham Kuyper: Reflections on His Meditations,” Calvin Theological Journal 52, no. 1 (April 2017): 58, Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS.
bibliography De Jong, James A. “The Heart and Soul of Abraham Kuyper: Reflections on His Meditations.” Calvin Theological Journal 52, no. 1 (April 2017): 37–61. Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS.

Magazine Article

see Turabian §17.3 (pp. 191–192)

Magazines are usually cited by date only, even if a volume and/or issue number is given. Note that the page numbers are preceded by a comma, not a colon.

note 1 Robert Peterson, “Prophet, Priest, & King: The Perfect One of Israel,” Covenant, Fall 2004, 4.
2 Tim Stafford, “A Tale of Two Scientists: What Really Happened ‘In the Beginning,’” Christianity Today, July 6, 2012,
bibliography Peterson, Robert. “Prophet, Priest, & King: The Perfect One of Israel.” Covenant, Fall 2004, 2–5.
Stafford, Tim. “A Tale of Two Scientists: What Really Happened ‘In the Beginning.’” Christianity Today, July 6, 2012.

Newspaper Article

see Turabian §17.4 (pp. 192–193)

Newspaper articles are usually not included in the bibliography. Note that pages numbers are omitted from the citation.

note 1 Amy White, “At One with the Shepherd,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, March 20, 2003.

Article with Multiple Authors

see Turabian Figure 16.1, no. 2 (p. 151); §17.1.1 (pp. 171–172)

note 1 Charles Kuykendall and C. John Collins, “1 Peter 3:15a: A Critical Review of English Versions,” Presbyterion 29, no. 2 (Fall 2003): 81.
bibliography Kuykendall, Charles, and C. John Collins. “1 Peter 3:15a: A Critical Review of English Versions.” Presbyterion 29, no. 2 (Fall 2003): 76–84.

Book Review

see Turabian §17.9.2 (p. 205)

The following form can be used for citing reviews of individual books. Longer review articles (especially those that cover multiple works) and full-fledged literature reviews are more aptly cited using the form above for a journal article.

note 1 Michael D. Williams, review of The Evangelical Left: Encountering Postconservative Evangelical Theology, by Millard J. Erickson, Presbyterion 23, no. 2 (Fall 1997): 119.
bibliography Williams, Michael D. Review of The Evangelical Left: Encountering Postconservative Evangelical Theology, by Millard J. Erickson. Presbyterion 23, no. 2 (Fall 1997): 119–120.
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