Sound Recording
see Turabian § (pp. 210–211)
Include as much information as possible about the recording, including the name of the speaker or performer, the title, the name of the recording company or publisher, any identifying numbers (catalog number, etc.), the date of recording and/or publication, and the media format (CD, audiocassette, etc.). If you accessed the recording online, include the URL and, if no other date information is provided, the date that you accessed it.
note | 1 Jerram Barrs, The God of Grace and Glory, L’Abri Audio Library (Chesterton, IN: Sound Word Associates, 2003), CD. |
2 N. T. Wright, Kingdom, Spirit & the People of God: Eschatology and the Church’s Task and Role in Pauline Theology, disc 3, The Redemption of Creation, RGCD2900B1 (Vancouver, BC: Regent College, 1999), CD. | |
3 Don Carson, Greater Than John the Baptist, Rutherford House tape 115, Tapes From Scotland, MP3, accessed July 11, 2014, http:// |
bibliography | Barrs, Jerram. The God of Grace and Glory. L’Abri Audio Library. Chesterton, IN: Sound Word Associates, 2003. CD. |
Wright, N. T. Kingdom, Spirit & the People of God: Eschatology and the Church’s Task and Role in Pauline Theology. Disc 3, The Redemption of Creation, RGCD2900B1. Vancouver, BC: Regent College, 1999. CD. | |
Carson, Don. Greater Than John the Baptist. Rutherford House tape 115. Tapes From Scotland. MP3. Accessed July 11, 2014. http:// |
see Turabian § (p. 210)
note | 4 Lisa Updike, “Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest—Part 1,” February 9, 2022, in Grow Podcast, produced by CDM Children’s Ministry, podcast, MP3 audio, 7:04, https:// |
bibliography | Updike, Lisa. “Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest—Part 1,” February 9, 2022. In Grow Podcast, produced by CDM Children’s Ministry. Podcast, MP3 audio, 7:04. https:// |