Faculty Publications
A guide to publications produced by the faculty of Covenant Theological Seminary.
Family-of-Origin Characteristics of Men Who Engage Regularly in Sexually Addictive Behavior by Mark S. Pfuetze
Publication Date: 2014Pfuetze's Ph.D. dissertation for the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
The present study surveyed men to assess whether any correlations existed between a mans sexually addictive behavior and how his family-of-origin addressed sexuality along with demographic factors. A total of 374 male participants (18 years or older) provided complete data sets via the online survey located on SurveyMonkey. The main research question for this study was as follows: Is there a relationship between demographic variables or family factors: (a) negative attitudes and communication about sexuality in ones family-of-origin, (b) exposure to sexual stimuli in ones family-of-origin, and (c) open sexual discussion in ones family-of-origin, and sexual addiction. All three of the hypotheses of this study were supported. Hypothesis 1 predicted that higher levels of negative attitudes and communication about sexuality in ones family-of-origin would correlate positively to a measure of sexual addiction. Hypothesis 2 predicted that higher levels of exposure to sexual stimuli in ones family-of-origin would correlate positively to a measure of sexual addiction. Hypothesis 3 predicted that less open sexual discussion in ones family-of-origin would correlate positively to a measure of sexual addiction. Data collection was accomplished by self-report surveys, Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST, Carnes, 1989), Family Sexuality Scale Revised (FSS-R, Pfuetze & Cottone, 2013) and a demographic questionnaire. The FSS-R is a Likert-type scale that measures how ones family-of-origin handled the topic of sexuality. Correlational analysis was used to analyze whether there was a relationship between a mans sexually addictive behavior and how his family-of-origin handled sexuality.
Journal Articles
- "Using EMDR to Address Social Anxiety With Clients Who Stutter: Treatment Considerations." Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 15, no. 1 (February 2021): 60-72This article describes the treatment considerations when providing eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy to treat clients who stutter. Since stuttering is often developed in childhood and persists into adulthood, it has long-term impacts on the educational, social, psychological, and professional development of those who stutter. While stuttering can present with physiological impairments not amendable to psychological interventions, EMDR therapy may effectively decrease the psychological stressors (such as social anxiety and shame) that can intensify stuttering. The authors present an extensive literature review on the traumatic experiences and adverse effects of stuttering. They also discuss essential treatment guidelines when using EMDR to work with people who stutter (PWS), including processing developmental trauma when stuttering, experiences of being bullied because of stuttering, shame and internalized negative self-statements, distrust of one's body due to inability to control one's speaking, and the social anxiety and avoidance in dealing with triggering situations. The clinical instructions are illustrated with a case example of a 40-year-old college professor who experienced anxiety and shame related to persistent developmental stuttering, and who sought treatment due to difficulties speaking in front of his classes. After completing 20 sessions of EMDR therapy, the client reported decreased social anxiety and shame and was able to teach courses comfortably. Further research considerations using EMDR treatment with PWS are recommended.
Online Articles
- 5 Challenges Missionaries Face—and How Your Church Can HelpAs a Christian counselor and seminary professor I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous missionaries over the years. All have unique experiences, but in my work I’ve identified common challenges they face. My hope is that churches will address these challenges and come alongside the missionaries they support.
- Last Updated: Oct 8, 2024 8:07 PM
- URL: https://covenantseminary.libguides.com/faculty-publications
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