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Faculty Publications
Biblical Languages
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Faculty Publications
A guide to publications produced by the faculty of Covenant Theological Seminary.
Old Testament
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Dr. W. Brian Aucker
Dr. C. John "Jack" Collins
Dr. Aaron Goldstein
Dr. Jay Sklar
Dr. Robert I. Vasholz
New Testament
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Dr. Hans Bayer
Dr. David W. Chapman
Dr. Bradley J. Matthews
Dr. Robert W. Yarbrough
Biblical Languages
Prof. Alissa Cline
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Prof. Jerram Barrs
Dr. Mark Ryan
Systematic Theology
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Dr. Daniel M. Doriani
Dr. Michael W. Goheen
Dr. Robbie Griggs
Dr. Andrew J. Martin
Dr. Michael D. Williams
Applied Theology
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Dr. Mark Dalbey
Dr. Philip D. Douglass
Dr. Zack Eswine
Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs
Dr. Robert Kim
Dr. Thurman Williams
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Prof. Suzanne Bates
Dr. Smyrna Khalaf
Dr. Paul Loosemore
Dr. Mark Pfuetze
Dr. Jeremy Ruckstaetter
Dr. Richard Winter
Dr. Dan Zink
Educational Ministries
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Dr. Tasha Chapman
Prof. Jessie Swigart
Prof. Alissa Cline
Adjunct Instructor of Biblical Languages
Dr. Robert W. Yarbrough
Prof. Alissa Cline >>